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External links policy


Welcome to CMG, where transparency is paramount. Our external links policy serves as a guiding principle, ensuring your confidence and understanding as you navigate our website.

In the vast digital landscape, our website strategically incorporates external links, enriching your information exploration. It’s crucial to recognize that, despite our commitment to accuracy, we cannot guarantee the same for content on external sites. These links are provided for your convenience, broadening the scope of information available to you.

Let’s delve into our external links policy. This policy is not merely a set of guidelines but a commitment to transparency and your assurance as you explore our website. We believe in empowering you with knowledge about how we approach and handle external websites.

As part of our links policy, we want you to be fully aware that the presence of external links does not imply an endorsement from Consolidated Media Marketing Group or its employees. We do not endorse the sponsors, products, or information presented on these external sites. These links are provided solely for informational purposes.

Your trust is paramount. Our policy is designed to foster a clear understanding of our approach to external websites. If you have any questions or need clarification about our hyperlinks policy or any other aspect of our services, we’re here for you.

Consolidated Media Marketing Group Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada 877-635-5107

At its core, this policy embodies our commitment to transparency, a tool crafted to boost your confidence exploring our website.

Dive into additional information via external links, reinforcing our dedication to transparency. We appreciate your choice in Consolidated Media Marketing Group.

Your information journey matters to us. Feel secure as you navigate our website with the assurance of our commitment to transparency.