Template People Loves

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How This Works

Leaving your cursor on the image slider will stop the image from sliding. When clicking on the image, it will open on a different tab. When clicking on the image again, it will open the image "full screen" giving you a first hand look of how the HOME page would look on a computer screen.  All the templates below have been design by Elegant Themes which we strongly support and use them daily.


  • Explorables
  • Harmony
  • Convertible
  • Elegant Estate
  • E list
  • In Review
  • AskIt
  • Event
  • My Resume
  • Business card

Check Out Our Blog Templates

  • Nexus
  • Fable
  • Lucid
  • Origin
  • The Source
  • Memoir
  • Magnificient
  • Daily Journal
  • Delicate News
  • Personal Press
  • Polished
  • LightSource
  • Basic
  • Bold
  • ArtSee
  • Who's Who
  • Cion
  • CherryTruffle
  • Deviant Mobile
  • EarthlyTouch
  • Grungemag
  • Influx
  • StudioBlue
  • PureType
  • Quadro
  • Simplism
  • TidalForce
  • Wooden
  • InterPhase
  • BlueMist
  • BlueSky

Check Out Our Business Templates

  • Divi
  • Vertex
  • Foxy
  • StyleShop
  • Nimble
  • Fusion
  • Chameleon
  • Evolution
  • SimplePress
  • Nova
  • Trim
  • InStyle
  • Feather
  • Sky
  • LeanBiz
  • Modest
  • Webly
  • MyCuisine
  • ElegantEstate
  • MyProduct
  • TheProfessional
  • TheCorporation
  • Glider
  • OnTheGo
  • Minimal
  • 13Floor
  • Lumin

Check Out Our eCommerce Templates

  • Divi
  • Foxy
  • StyleShop
  • eStore
  • Harmony
  • Boutique

Check Out Our Magazine Templates

  • Nexus
  • Lucid
  • Aggregate
  • TheStyle
  • TheSource
  • Magnificent
  • DelicateNews
  • Glow
  • eNews
  • LightSource
  • eGamer
  • Bold
  • WhosWho
  • EarthlyTouch
  • Grungemag
  • Influx
  • StudioBlue
  • PureType
  • Quadro
  • Simplism
  • TidalForce
  • Wooden
  • InterPhase

Check Out Our Multimedia Templates

  • Divi
  • Flexible
  • DeepFocus
  • Gleam
  • Harmony
  • Feather
  • Envisioned
  • Notebook
  • Webly
  • LightBright
  • DailyNotes
  • Glider
  • ePhoto
  • eGallery
  • eVid

Check Out Our Personal Templates

  • Divi
  • Fable
  • Origin
  • Gleam
  • Sky
  • Memoir
  • DailyJournal
  • Glider
  • OnTheGo
  • MyResume
  • PersonalPress
  • Business card
  • Basic
  • Cion
  • CherryTruffle
  • Deviant Mobile
  • Influx
  • Quadro
  • Simplism
  • TidalForce
  • Wooden
  • InterPhase
  • BlueMist
  • BlueSky

Check Out Our Portfolio Templates

  • Divi
  • Vertex
  • Nimble
  • Flexible
  • Origin
  • DeepFocus
  • Gleam
  • Feather
  • Envisioned
  • Sky
  • Modest
  • Glider
  • ePhoto
  • eGallery

Check Out Our Responsive Templates

  • Divi
  • Nexus
  • Vertex
  • Fable
  • Foxy
  • StyleShop
  • Nimble
  • Lucid
  • Fusion
  • Explorables
  • Flexible
  • Chameleon
  • Aggregate
  • Origin
  • DeepFocus
  • Evolution
  • SimplePress
  • Nova
  • Harmony
  • Trim
  • DailyJournal

Check Out Our Tumblog Templates (Tumblr)

  • Fable
  • Notebook
  • LightBright
  • DailyNotes

Wiliam Norwood

CEO The Anxiety Cures


"Dealing with these folks was pretty well the easiest thing I ever did. To tell the truth, I did not know what I wanted, but they asked me to look around and find something I would like. I did just that, and bingo they came up with this site...

I am very pleased with it, and would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone."

Thank you so much


Cindy Williams


Hello everyone,

"I will admit that I am so proud of my website, I am besides myself. I know it is a pretty big site, and it is doing fantastic.

I just provided them with the stuff I wanted to see and bingo, they made it happen.

There were times where they had me on the phone while they were doing their things on the computer and got me to refresh my page to see the changes I had requested...That was pretty cool!

As a result, I still have them do work for me."

Thanks again



Mary Thomas


Good day all,

"I had these guys do a small website for me. I will say that for the money I paid, I think I got a pretty awesome site. Everyone likes it and it is slowly making me money...

I would recommend these webmasters to everyone."


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